- The Helmsley Building 230 Park Avenue,18th Floor
New York, NY 10169 - T: 646.273.5420
F: 212.867.1914 - jkreder@rlrpclaw.com
“My clients rely on my breadth of experience and creativity to help them achieve their goals and resolve their problems in a cost-effective way."
Jen counsels and litigates for clients on a wide variety of subjects, including the creation of and international trade in art, the First Amendment, commercial real estate, employment disputes and non-disclosure agreements.
Before joining the firm, Jen served as a law professor teaching Civil Procedure, Property, Business Organizations, International Business Transactions and Art Law domestically and abroad. She is a widely sought public speaker and quoted or published by such publications as the New York Times, ArtNews, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press and law reviews at Harvard, Duke, University of Southern California and University of Pennsylvania. She has lectured at the request of museums and universities throughout the world, including Oxford and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Jen has appeared in cases about art that traded hands during the Nazi era and the Russian Revolution on behalf of historians, the American Jewish Congress and the Commission for Art Recovery as friends of the court, or amici curiae. At stake were works by such artists as Vincent Van Gogh, Egon Schiele and Paul Cézanne.
Jen got her early training as an International Litigation & Arbitration Associate with Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, LLP, in New York, concentrating on Holocaust-era inter-governmental negotiation and property litigation issues, art disputes, and class actions. She also was awarded for her work on behalf of Catholic nuns and others tortured and murdered during the Salvadoran civil war. Previously, Jen clerked for The Honorable Barefoot Sanders, United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Her path in life was heavily influenced by studying abroad at Karl Marx Universität in Leipzig, Germany (now the University of Leipzig), as well as in Austria, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Jen is honored to serve as the President of the Archaeology Preservation Fund and on the Advisory Board to the Center for Art Law.